
Website operator

Franz Schneider Brakel GmbH + Co KG

Nieheimer Straße 38
33034 Brakel
Phone +49 5272 608-0
Fax +49 5272 608-300

General partner: Franz Schneider Brakel
Limited Liability Management Company
Managing Directors: Jürgen Hess, Tobias Gockeln

Registry Court: Paderborn District Court
Commercial register number: KG HRA 2751, GmbH HRB 4425
Sales Tax Identification Number pursuant to Section 27 (a)
German Sales Tax Act: DE125482801


Project management
Oliver Lemm

Conceptual formulation + Design
salient doremus, Frankfurt
attoma Berlin GmbH, Berlin
Christian Riepe

salient doremus, Frankfurt
Manuel Schlüter
Dominic Gehlen

Editorial team
Oliver Lemm
Leonie Holtemeyer
Jasmin Jouhar
Julia Löwrick
attoma Berlin GmbH, Berlin
Studio Gehrmann, Berlin

Data management
Dominic Gehlen
Viviane Kreylos

3D visualisation
DigitalCoreGraphics, Wilhelmshaven
studio gehrmann, Berlin
Graphic Group, Bielefeld
xoio GmbH, Berlin

Attila Hartwig, Rafael Neff, Timm Rautert, Tobias Schniedermeier, Olaf Becker, Ursula Böhmer, Roland Borgmann, Marcus Bredt, Jörg von Bruchhausen, Jutta Brüdern, Lucas Díaz, Thomas Dietzsch, H.G. Esch, Brigida Gonzáles, Andreas Grabow, Claus Graubner, Bernadette Grimmenstein, Wolfgang Guenzel, Gerhard Hagen, Roland Halbe, Jörg Hempel, Marc Jordi, Ali Kepenek, Guido Kirsch, Achim Kleuker, Holger Knauf, Christoph Lison, Ge Milting, Adrian Moser, Stefan Müller, Axel Nieberg, Clemens Ortmeyer, Edgar Restle, Christian Richters, Dejan Saric, Eckhard Scholz, Reinhard Schwederski, Susanne Wegner, Herbert Zimmermann

Legal notes

Content of our website offering

We have taken a great amount of care in com­pil­ing the in­for­ma­tion on our website. It is in the nature of such matters, however, that errors can never be com­pletely ruled out. As a result we are unable to guar­an­tee that any given item of in­for­ma­tion is com­pletely up to date, fac­tu­ally correct or ex­haus­tive.

The colours shown in product il­lus­tra­tions may differ from the orig­i­nal on tech­ni­cal grounds. Not all of the prod­ucts shown on our website are avail­able in all coun­tries.

All items of content and product of­fer­ings are subject to change and without oblig­a­tion. Subject to tech­ni­cal al­ter­ations and errors.

Data protection

FSB will only retain per­sonal data in the event of your ac­tively and di­rectly con­tact­ing us. Any data we receive in forms or emails are used solely to reply to the query in hand and are then deleted.

We only save your data if you cite them when reg­is­ter­ing for our “My FSB” service. In such an in­stance all we require is your name, busi­ness sector and email address. Any other par­tic­u­lars are vol­un­tary and help us gear any in­for­ma­tion we send you to your spe­cific re­quire­ments. You are in a po­si­tion at any time to view, amend or delete data via your “My FSB” page.

We do not pass any data on to third parties. We abide by the pro­vi­sions of Germany’s Federal Data Pro­tec­tion Act and the country’s Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Act.

Use of cookies

Our website makes use of what are known as cookies so as to ensure that you can access the com­plete range of func­tions in our digital cat­a­logue and that the in­for­ma­tion prod­ucts sent to you really do meet your spe­cific re­quire­ments. They notify our system as to whether you are already a reg­is­tered user of FSB web­sites and serve Google An­a­lyt­ics (see below) as a means of anony­mously eval­u­at­ing usage sta­tis­tics. A cookie is a small textfile that is de­posited on your hard disk. You can rest assured that cookies will not harm your com­puter and do not contain viruses. They do not mem­o­rise or trans­mit per­sonal data.