Good looks down to the last detail:

FSB window handles for narrow profiles

There is a solid tradition at FSB of refining products whose form and function are already well established and of constantly enhancing their fine detail. The eastern Westphalian makers of system solutions for doors, windows and barrier-free convenience never in the process lose sight of changing architectural requirements. The new FSB window handles for narrow profiles have been designed in response to a trend championing filigree design-engineering solutions that unobtrusively blend in with the host architecture.

The ten­dency for window handles – whether by FSB or other makers – to har­monise in­ad­e­quately with narrow window pro­files due to their roses looking dis­pro­por­tion­ately large is aes­thet­i­cally an­noy­ing for ar­chi­tects and, indeed, anyone who lays store by co­her­ent detail. FSB has set about rem­e­dy­ing this with a new window handle so­lu­tion whose rose di­men­sions are con­sid­er­ably lower than the usual 33 by 70 by 14 mm (width/height/depth). Mea­sur­ing just 27 by 62 by 10 mm, the new cus­tomised rose for narrow pro­files no longer extends beyond the glazing fillet, thus ac­cord­ing per­fectly with the window’s re­strained overall ap­pear­ance. FSB has applied this concept to its square and com­pound curve-shaped window handle roses for flush or rim mount­ing. The flush variant is just the job for timber pro­files, whilst it is nec­es­sary in the with the profile geom­e­try prior to fitting the fur­ni­ture. Wholly in the spirit of fitting build­ings out holis­ti­cally and end-to-end, FSB window handles for narrow pro­files can be com­bined with vir­tu­ally any FSB handle design and are sup­plied in all FSB ma­te­ri­als and fin­ishes (alu­minium, stain­less steel, brass and bronze).

As dis­crim­i­nat­ing FSB cus­tomers will know, the Brakel-based company does not stop at ap­pear­ances when de­vel­op­ing new so­lu­tions but applies the same loving at­ten­tion to detail to the evo­lu­tion of func­tional prop­er­ties: the added visual appeal of FSB’s new window handles for narrow pro­files goes hand in hand with re­mark­able plan­ning and as­sem­bly ben­e­fits.

In a de­par­ture from the usual method of con­struc­tion whereby handle, rose and spindle form an in­sep­a­ra­ble unit, FSB has sep­a­rated said parts from one another by adopt­ing its proven adaptor tech­nique for heavy-duty hard­ware. Rose-and-spin­dle sub­struc­tures are pre-as­sem­bled at the works for sub­se­quent con­nec­tion to female handle units. The hard­ware is fitted speed­ily and se­curely to the profile by dint of this arrange­ment, since it is no longer nec­es­sary to awk­wardly “screw past” the handle. The handle is fas­tened to the adaptor or onto the spindle by means of an M6 grub screw with cup point. Fab­ri­ca­tors will ad­di­tion­ally ap­pre­ci­ate knowing it is always pos­si­ble to straight­for­wardly and ac­cu­rately adjust float­ing spin­dles in their pro­files to suit the window drive used. There is no longer any need to plan or order window handles with a spec­i­fied spindle pro­jec­tion – or to tol­er­ate in­ef­fi­ciency and down­times on site as in the past owing to window handles having to be re-or­dered due to their having the wrong spindle pro­jec­tion. This is like­wise good news for re­tail­ers, who no longer have to keep large numbers of dif­fer­ent vari­ants in stock.

As with all FSB window handles, the new ver­sions for narrow pro­files click into po­si­tion at 90° in­ter­vals in a manner that can be felt and heard. And they are sim­i­larly par for the course at FSB in that, at 25,000 op­er­a­tions/150,000 click-stop events (180° turn-and-tilt cycles), they enjoy the highest quality rating 5/180 under EN 13 126-3 (also ap­plic­a­ble for the RAL quality stan­dard). Hence our new window handles for narrow pro­files like­wise boast full heavy-duty cre­den­tials.

Franz Schneider
Brakel GmbH + Co KG

Karin Padinger
Nieheimer Straße 38
33034 Brakel
Phone: +49 5272 608-201